Published on 2020-08-1
来南洋茶室 感受舌尖上的“小娘惹” Discover The Taste of Love at Kakikopi
小娘惹剧照 A clip from Little Nyonya series△
As a Nyonya, making delicious food for her family is a lifelong responsibility. As a Nyonya, her kitchen is her lifeline."
~ The Little Nyonya
Remember this line from the recent hit TV series, “The Little Nyonya”?
These two simple lines represent the sacrificial love inherent in traditional Nyonya dishes. The mouthwatering images of Nyonya aka Peranakan dishes on screen has also sparked intense online interest in these dishes.Kakikopi, as a restaurant that specializes in Southeast Asian homecooking and streetfood, Nyonya dishes are definitely an integral and indispensable part of its exciting menu.
小娘惹剧照 A clip from Little Nyonya series△
A unique culture even in Southeast Asia, Nyonya cuisine is synonymous with its cultural heritage.
This culture is a product of Admiral Zheng He's voyage to Southeast Asia during the Ming Dynasty. The Babas and Nyonyas are offsprings of the Chinese immigrants in Southeast Asia, whom had married the locals.
Just like the Nyonyas and the Babas, Peranakan cuisine is a perfect fusion of Chinese and local cuisines. Its complex palate ranges from sweet to sour to spicy, thanks to the diverse range of cooking herbs and spices, traditional cooking methods, and the strict adherence to proper cooking temperatures.
As portrayed in the series, Peranakan dishes are cooked with thoughtful care and deep love for the family, which lends itself to its other title, “The Food of Love”.
创始人Founder Jasmine△
The recipes for the most exquisite Nyonya dishes are guarded fiercely within the family, hence the Chinese saying, "if there are one thousand hands, there will be one thousand kinds of tastes”.
The Nyonya cuisine in Kakikopi is derived from the secret recipes of Kakikopi’s founder, Jasmine’s close-knit family. All ingredients are carefully selected. All the soup and broths are made from the freshest ingredients with zero MSG. We hope to give every customer the most pleasurable experience in Kakikopi.
各种娘惹糕点 Assortment of Nyonya Kuih
Nyonya kuih has been gaining traction in the current hit drama series, "The Little Nyonya". Nyonya kuihs in Kakikopi are products of a labor-intensive process, as no short-cuts are allowed. Each piece of deliciousness is handmade delicately, one by one, with rice flour, wheat flour, pandan leave juice, toasted grated coconut, mung bean, through a plethora of complex traditional methods that very few still follow today.
At Kakikopi, our guests enjoy the privilege of tasting the kuih that are becoming rare even in Southeast Asia.
Kuih Salak沙拉粿△
Kuih Dadar答答粿△
Angku Kuih红龟粿△
Soft Opening
Apart from providing delicious food, the interior decor in Kakikopi screams Southeast Asia. The giant wall mural depicts not only a lively scene of kopitiam culture in Southeast Asia, but it also portrays the perseverance and strong-willed spirit of the overseas Chinese who immigrated to Southeast Asia in the 1920s, and who continue to preserve the culture and heritage which may eventually faded one day, thus the motto of Kakikopi. A fitting portrayal of Southeast Asia in the 1950s, such vibrant scenes also shed light to the delicious delicacies in Kakikopi, and the positive vibes that we would like to bring to everyone.
Apart from Peranankan cuisine, Kakikopi is home to more Southeast Asian cuisines. We warmly welcome everyone to visit us and taste the dishes that are made with love. As one of Jasmine's favorite quotes, ”Food is symbolic of love when words are inadequate."
If you have more questions about Southeast Asian cuisines, please leave us a message, we will reply as soon as we can. Thank you!
No.15, Xiaoyunlu Backstrip,
Chaoyang District, Beijing.
Soft Launch Operating Hours
周一至周日 Monday - Sunday
午餐 Lunch:11:00 - 14:30
下午茶 Tea Time:14:30 - 17:30
晚餐 Dinner:17:30 - 22:00 (Last order 21:30)
For More Info 咨询电话
+86-10-6410 9588
+86-155 0115 3627
Come Kopitiam Chit Chat! Laugh and have fun.
Here are truly Southeast Asia.Come and have a taste!
北国的清秋的佳日,是一年之中最好也没有的Golden Days~
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